009 | Goal Setting & Perseverance: The Winding Path to Success with Alayne Jorgensen



With a long-term goal, the path from Point A to Point B is rarely a straight line. Life happens along the way, turning that straight line into a winding path. Navigating the twists and turns requires determination, perseverance, and grit. But if you stay the course—no matter how tangled it becomes—you will eventually find success.

Keep Your Eye on the Goal

In this interview, Alayne Jorgensen shares the unexpected surprises and challenges she faced on the road to earning her PhD. She speaks candidly about being a single parent, getting remarried, and battling postpartum depression—all while holding onto her educational dreams.

Alayne’s story demonstrates that, although life rarely goes according to plan, it’s still helpful to fix your eye on a specific goal and navigate in that direction.

Lessons along the Path

When it comes to goal setting, Alayne believes in having a clear goal with a flexible path. She also recommends traveling at your own pace, without comparing yourself to anyone else.

Alayne stresses the importance of relying on your village and surrounding yourself with supportive, encouraging voices. She also shares simple ways to practice self-care when your plate is already full.

Also in This Episode

  • What it really looks like to juggle motherhood, work, and personal goals.

  • Acting on intuition before you have everything figured out.

  • Identifying what you truly want and letting go of distractions.

  • A simple tool to help you push through when a goal feels tedious or discouraging.

Show Notes

Connect with Rachel on Instagram

Connect with Alayne Jorgensen on Instagram


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004 | Improving Self-Trust & Confidence through Intuitive Eating with Stephanie Webb

Improving Self-Trust & Confidence through Intuitive Eating with Stephanie Webb


Do you trust yourself around food? Or do you believe you need an expert to tell you what’s best for your body? If you’ve ever felt guilty for overeating, anxious around sweets, or frustrated by a “lack of willpower,” you may be feeling the impact of diet culture—subtle and overt messages about how your body should look and what it means to be healthy.

Eat with Confidence

As a holistic nutritionist and eating psychology coach, Stephanie Webb helps women heal their relationship with food and become confident eaters. Instead of offering a meal plan or macros, Stephanie teaches women to listen to their inner wisdom and make decisions that help them feel satisfied, nourished, and invigorated.

What is Intuitive Eating?

In this interview, Stephanie dispels the myth that intuitive eating means giving up on health. Instead, it means trusting your body to know when, what, and how much to eat. It’s a way to practice self-care, while respecting personal preferences. It also means challenging your own weight bias, or the idea that “thin is best.” Stephanie shares simple tips for ditching diet culture and becoming a more intuitive eater.

Food & Self-Trust

We also discuss how a lack of self-trust around food may be spilling over into the rest of your life—plus, what you can do about it!

Also in this episode

  • Navigating the uncomfortable transition from dieting to intuitive eating.

  • Putting weight loss on the back burner, even with mobility issues.

  • Powerful questions to help you tune into your body.

  • Tips for building a body-positive, weight-neutral online community.

Show Notes

Note: This list includes Amazon affiliate links to books mentioned in this episode. I receive a small commission for products purchased through these links, which helps to support free content on the podcast.

Connect with Rachel on Instagram

Connect with Stephanie Webb*
Instagram | Website | Podcast

Eat Confident Co.
| Facebook | Website

Intuitive Eating (Book)

Health at Every Size (Book)

Beauty Redefined

Emily Fonnesbeck

* Since recording, Stephanie has shifted her business from Nutrition Redefined to Eat Confident Co. She has also changed the name of her podcast from Nutrition Redefined to Eat with Confidence. All links reflect these changes.